Checks can be made payable to New York Piano Society and mailed to
Loozis & Wegener CPAs
25 Osborne Road
Garden City, NY 11530
NYPS is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation supported by private tax-deductible contributions from people and organizations who support performance opportunities and exposure for amateur artists.
Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice.
Just go to, log in, and select New York Piano Society INC as your charitable organization.
ANGELS ($20,000+)
Simon Yates and Kevin Roon
FOUNDER’S CIRCLE ($5,000 – $19,999)
Dianne and Jack Adleta
Alok Dutt
Alexander Shapiro
Yiran Wang
DIRECTOR’S CIRCLE ($1,000 – $4,999)
Nancy Bachrach
Corrine Barksy
John Beerbower
Len Horovitz
Ben Jablonski
Mery and Jerome Kern
Elaine and Jim Mead
Lou Venturelli